Oh my, my little one is now three years old. Time flies. I still recall with vivid detail the day you were born. Actually it took a couple days for you to be born, but I will have plenty of time to tell you about that when you get older.
Sweetpea, I know things are a lot weird right now but please know that I am only doing this to make things better in the future. Everyone knows that I want the world for us, especially you. That is what I am trying to do. I promise things will get better, stuff will calm down between me and your dad.
You got to celebrate your birthday at Chuck E. Cheese this year. You sure have grown and matured since the last time you were there. C.E.C. is now starting to be fun for me too because of this.
Thank you for this adventure so far and I am very much looking forward to many more years of learning and growing with you.
With All My Love, Mom