Sunday, April 03, 2005

I Feel a Bad Moon Rising

I finally got around to reading my monthly free horoscope today. Yes, I read that stuff. No, I don't place much faith in them. I do find them to be a nice moral booster at times, though.

So I am reading one of them and in sweet, sugar coated words the lady was basically saying that Capricorn was going to have a chaotic, crappy month. Something about descending planets into or out of my house of whatever and the combination of two eclipses in the month. Then I think, "Ohmagah" she's right, this month sucks. Mind you it is ass crack in the morning and coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I was feeling pretty run over, stuff coming out of everywhere. Nose, lungs, bladder, etc, etc (You know what I mean.) Not doing things like drinking a quart of cranberry juice followed by a half pot chaser of coffee would have helped a couple things. I swear in the first 3 hours of my morning I went to the bathroom every 15 minutes for one reason or another.

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